Friday, January 30, 2015

The short goodbye...

Well, it's almost exactly ten years since I first breathed life into 'Sandy McManus', aka 'The Tefl Tradesman', and started this blog. In all that time I have achieved ... probably very little (if anything at all)

OK then, maybe not. After all, we have had some great laughs, ousted a few shysters, and thrown an unforgiving light on all manner of bullshit and deceit, both inside and outside the classroom.

Anyway, I have now decided that the time has come to recognise my immensely irrelevant contributions to the whacky world of Tefl and resign. I mean, give up the blog, and just let it float here in cyberspace, forever and ever (Amen).

Fact is, I no longer tread those perilous Tefl boards, as I recently applied for one of the jobs listed alongside. Much to my surprise, I even got it! I'll leave it up to you, dearest reader, to guess which one it is. Kindly leave your choices below, and the correct one will be rewarded with a free packet of 10 Royals.

So, farewell then, fellow Tefl Twats. It's been a hell of a ride, but the time has come to leave the saddle and make a a respectable sideways walk into the sunset.

At least for a good while, anyway.


Anonymous said...

It's tomorrow already...

Want to fill us in?

Are you retiring from this lark?

I've got plenty of bile to spill if you need it!

The TEFL Tradesman said...

I am indeed 'retiring from this lark', as you so perceptibly put it, compadre.

But today ain't over yet, innit?!

Oh fuggut, I hate to be rushed. Maybe I'll just leave you cunts in suspense until tomorrow?

Anonymous said...

Enjoy your retirement

William Bellendson (scourge of Amy winehouse lookalike ladies naughty parts said...

Sad,but enjoy it,Sandy. It's been emotional, to quote Vinnie Jones. Fartan tried to finish you off? He really must be a thundercunt.All the best!

Graeme Asthma said...

Okay...Where do we go to take the piss out of Paul Lowe now? His dribbling and defecating in public have inspired so many people to WRIGHT and SHIGHT.

Shaun Ryder said...

'ere, San, 'ave you gone?

Anonymous said...

In any case, something else needs put into the public domain re Windsor TEFL and its former protagonists :possible paedophilia. It doesn't sit well with an independent observer like me that Paul Lowe's schools were mainly based in Spain at a time when the age of consent was thirteen years of age for both sexual orientations. add Paul Lowe's infamous posting of his innermost fantasies about sex with children on Twitter and Simon Green who spent a lot of time in Spain at the time in question had sexual relations with a South Korean lady in her twenties who looked under-age if William Frederickson can be held credible in what he said to me...Arrive at your own conclusions.

Anonymous said...

Sorry Simon Green-Fried as he is now called.Check his Twitter and raise the doubts re him there.

Anonymous said...

Looks dodgy. Prospective employers check out people online Why Simon Green Fried is now touting for tutor jobs on his employment consultancy Twitter.

The TEFL Tradesman said...

My God, did it really take me almost a year to update this posting. I guess I've been away for a longer 'stretch' than I thought!